Computer Science

Research in the Computer Science (CS) Division addresses challenges that go hand in hand with computing at extreme scales. SLAC scientists face these scales when they develop sophisticated computer models for complex processes in nature and when they use unique instruments, such as the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and the future Vera C. Rubin Observatory, that enable unprecedented discoveries but produce tremendous amounts of data.
To create new cutting-edge tools in computational science for applications like these, the CS Division brings together world-class faculty and staff from Stanford’s CS Department and SLAC. As a result of this collaboration, SLAC researchers also have more opportunities to work with Silicon Valley industry to drive innovative computational solutions.
Read more about the establishment of SLAC’s Computer Science Division in the news feature “SLAC’s New Computer Science Division Teams with Stanford to Tackle Data Onslaught”.
Check the Computer Science Division Team here